The SCAR Krill Expert Group

The 2025 SKEG Symposium is March 10-12! Register today!

Our Aims

Increase Knowledge

Improve our understanding of krill biology and ecology

Improve Collaboration

Promote collaboration within the krill community with emphasis on early-career researchers

Connect the Community

Serve as the primary conduit between the wider krill scientific community and the organization that manages and monitors the Antarctic krill fishery

Facilitate Research

Provide a forum to guide research directions, encourage information exchange and dialogue between krill researchers, fisheries and society​

SKEG is an expert group within SCAR, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.

SCAR is a thematic organisation of the International Science Council (ISC), and was created in 1958. SCAR is charged with initiating, developing and coordinating high quality international scientific research in the Antarctic region (including the Southern Ocean), and on the role of the Antarctic region in the Earth system. SCAR provides objective and independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings  and other organizations such as the UNFCCC and IPCC on issues of science and conservation affecting the management of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean and on the role of the Antarctic region in the Earth system.
Learn more about SCAR, and about our science and policy advice activities.

Talk to us!

Reach out with any and all questions, comments or suggestions!