Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.SKEG Krill Symposium FeedbackPlease rate and provide feedback on each element of the symposium. If you missed a specific type of session, feel free to skip. any discussion? Feedback Overall Symposium Format Selected Value: 0 Overall, how valuable was the symposium format to you? (On a scale of 0-10, where 0 = Not valuable at all and 10 = Extremely valuable) Do you have any comments on the overall symposium structure?What worked well? What could be improved? Were the sessions well-organized?Feedback on Keynote Presentation Series (for organizers, not presenters)Day 1 Keynote: The ecological mechanics of light and life in the ocean by Tom Langbehn Day 2 Keynote: Antarctic krill vertical migrations modulate particulate organic carbon export by Abi Smith Day 3 Keynote: Virtual tour of wetwell sampling process on RV Nuyina featuring Haiting Zhang, Luke Brokensha, Nia Riengchan, Inessa CorneyComments on the speed date introductions format?Did it help you connect with others? Was the timing appropriate? Any suggestions for improving the structure?Comments on the idea pitch session format?Did the structure encourage discussion and collaboration? Was the timing appropriate? Any suggestions for improving these sessions?Comments on the research presentation format? Did the structure allow for good engagement? Were there enough opportunities for Q&A? Any suggestions for improving how research presentations were scheduled or grouped?How effective was the Zoom-based discussion format? Selected Value: 0 On a scale of 0-10, where 0 = Not effective at all and 10 = Extremely effectiveDid you feel there were enough opportunities for discussion?What worked well? What didn’t? Do you have any additional feedback or suggestions for future symposiums? *Anything else you’d like to share about the event’s structure, timing, or organization?Name *FirstLastContact Email * Submit