The general purview of TF: Krill Flux is to provide methodological, logistical and scientific advice for an effective realization of the mooring network.
TF: Krill Flux Aims and Scope
To monitor krill flux in area 48.1 and inform CCAMLR’s decision making in the future, this task force aims to establish a mooring network within the next 5 years with moorings deployed in the Bransfield Strait and surrounding areas, including the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula. Such a network requires well-coordinated international collaboration
TF: Krill Flux Proposed Deliverables for 2025:
- Write and submit a project proposal to the 2025 AWR fund call. The objective of this proposal is to conduct a questionnaire-based survey of krill fishing vessel captains to identify priority locations for moorings to effectively monitor krill flux
- This includes the organization of a joint workshop of scientists and fishermen in 2026 to discuss the survey results and to agree on the spatial distribution of moorings.
- Prepare a working paper(s) for the 2024 WG-EMM
- a technical document on the possible technical configuration of the moorings for an effective monitoring of krill flux
Previous Milestones:
- A proposal to obtain funding was submitted to the 2024 Strategic Expansion Investment funding call of the Helmholtz Foundation to receive funding by 2028. The proposal has already made it to the second out of three rounds of the funding call.

The general purview of TF: Fisheries Indices is to improve collaboration between SKEG and the specific management goals of CCAMLR regarding the integrated krill biomass assessments (Generalized R Yield Model, GRYM) with krill demand by predators (Spatial Overlap Analysis, SOA) and the krill stock structure (Krill Stock Hypothesis, KSH).
TF: Fisheries Indices Aims and Scope:
The general purview of TF: Fisheries Indices is to improve collaboration between SKEG and the specific management goals of CCAMLR regarding the krill stock assessments (Generalized R Yield Model, GRYM) with krill demand by predators (Spatial Overlap Analysis, SOA) and ensuring decisions are consistent with the outputs of the Krill Stock Hypothesis.
- Evaluate and advise on fishery data collection methods for stock assessments.
- Identify improvements to the current stock assessment models and parameters.
- Explore alternative assessment models which can integrate time-series data.
- Explore integration of predator’s requirements into assessments.
- Evaluate consistency with assessment model assumptions with those of the Krill Stock Hypotheses.
Proposed Deliverables for 2025:
- Prepare Working Papers for the 2025 WG-ASAM and WG-EMM with recommendations for data collection protocols including sampling gear and sampling time for the planned annual biomass surveys conducted by the fishery to support future stock assessments
- Refinement of CCAMLR needs from SKEG.
- Identification of potential funding sources to support the work within the task force if needed.

The general purview of TF: KrillBASE is to update KRILLBASE
TF: KrillBASE Aims and Scope:
Promote, explain and provide access to KRILLBASE datasets via SKEG; Identify additional information requirements for research or management that could be addressed through compilation of historic net sampling data; Identify potential data sources (including one-off and repeat surveys) for updating and expanding the KRILLBASE databases; Develop and implement a work plan for further updating KRILLBASE datasets; Secure funding to further update KRILLBASE datasets.
Proposed Deliverables for 2025:
- Produce a short summary document summarising the content, scope and accessibility of the three KRILLBASE datasets and ongoing work to update them
- Develop materials to promote and link to KRILLBASE datasets from the SKEG website
- Develop a workplan for further updating KRILLBASE datasets
- including ongoing updating and management of the datasets
Previous Milestones:

The general purview of TF: Communications and Outreach is to support SKEG’s efforts, provide organizational structure to the groups
TF: Communications and Outreach Scope
The Communications and Outreach Task Force aims to enhance SKEG’s organizational structure and visibility through strategic internal and external communication. The task force facilitates annual meetings, workshops, and symposia, including an Early Career Researchers (ECR) Science Symposium, while maintaining and updating SKEG’s website and outreach materials. It fosters collaborations with NGOs, traditional media, and social media platforms to expand public and educational outreach. Additionally, the task force ensures effective communication with external organizations to promote SKEG’s goals and supports internal organization by hosting board meetings and coordinating communication between task forces and the board.
Proposed Deliverables for 2025:
- Prepare a working paper for the 2024 WG-EMM to inform the group about the new structure of SKEG and the different teams
- Organize ECR-led Science Symposium at annual SKEG workshop
- Develop organizational structure to support the broad swath of things that the comms/outreach TF needs to do
Previous Milestones:
- SKEG Website