Krill Stock Hypothesis

Tasked by CCAMLR in 2021, SKEG has been working to develop a KSH

The ideal purpose of a KSH is to serve as a model for evaluating management strategies for the krill fishery and for facilitating research on the structure of krill populations.

What follows is a working hypothesis meant to be re-evaluated and updated as new insights arise.

What is a Stock Hypothesis?

(def.) a conceptual model of the biology of a population (stock) dynamics. i.e., spawning, recruitment, dispersal, movement, immigration and emigration

CCAMLR Area 48
Subarea 48.1

Species Management

Management is conducted using management units that are drawn on a map

The aim of MUs is to represent demographically independent stocks to facilitate equal or homogenous harvest rates across MUs and avoid local depletion within MUs

for example, CCAMLR developed and employed a toothfish stock hypothesis to help define the appropriate spatial population units for management and account for exchange and connectivity within and between them.

  • Maintaining the current best understanding of stock structure and dynamics, and related uncertainties
  • Guidance and evaluation of proposed management measures like the spatial allocation of catch
  • Guide future data collection and analysis

KSH Phase 1

Processes Represented:
  • Localized migration loops called spawning-recruitment complexes
  • Regional-scale larval flux
  • Regional-scale post-larval flux


Features 1- 5: on-shelf-off shelf spawning recruitment complex: SRC

Features 6-9: transport hypotheses

Additional Data Needed:
  • krill length distributions
  • standardized test hauls
  • information on egg and larvae distribution
  • information on recruitment locations1
  • information on year-class strength

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