
Meeting Reports
SKEG hosts annual meetings. A comprehensive list of all SKEG reports, including program updates, are archived by SCAR and can be found here.
Links to PDFs of the most recent meeting reports
Our newsletter, the Krill Reader, was created to facilitate communication, understanding, and learning in the community.
Check out archives of The Krill Reader below
Here are the highlights from our most recent issues:
Issue 3 – Feb 2023
- Know Your Swarm Interview with Dr. Nicole Hellessey
Issue 2 – Oct 2022
- Introducing the SKEG “Know Your Swarm” Interview Series featuring Dr. Emma Cavan
Issue 1 – Jan 2022
If you would like to be featured or have information to include in our newsletter, please reach out on the Contact Us page!

Reading Recs
New krill research is happening all the time – we highlight research that is particularly relevant and important to SKEG
Recommended Reading
Steinke, K.B., Bernard, K.S., Ross, R.M., Quetin, L.B. (2021) Environmental drivers of the physiological condition of mature female Antarctic krill during the spawning season: implications for krill recruitment. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 669:65-82. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13720
Clarke, L.J., Suter, L., King, R., Bissett, A., Bestley, S. and Deagle, B.E. (2021) Bacterial epibiont communities of panmictic Antarctic krill are spatially structured. Molecular Ecology. 2021;00:1–11. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.15771
Meyer, B., Atkinson, A., Bernard, K.S. et al. (2020) Successful ecosystem-based management of Antarctic krill should address uncertainties in krill recruitment, behaviour and ecological adaptation. Communications Earth and Environment 1,28. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00026-1 (published October 2020)
Reiss, C.S., Hinke, J.T. & Watters, G.M. (2020) Demographic and maturity patterns of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in an overwintering hotspot. Polar Biology 43, 1233–1245. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-020-02704-4 (published August 2020)
Conroy, J.A., Reiss, C.S., Gleiber, M.R. and Steinberg, D.K. (2020) Linking Antarctic krill larval supply and recruitment along the Antarctic Peninsula. Integrative and Comparative Biology. icaa111. https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/icaa111 (published July 2020)
Perry, F.A., Kawaguchi, S., Atkinson, A., Sailley, S.F., Tarling, G.A., Mayor, D.J., Lucas, C.H., King, R. and Cooper, A. (2020) Temperature–Induced Hatch Failure and Nauplii Malformation in Antarctic Krill. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:501. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00501 (published June 2020)
Perry, F.A., Atkinson, A., Sailley, S.F., Tarling, G.A., Hill, S.L., Lucas, C.H., et al. (2019) Habitat partitioning in Antarctic krill: Spawning hotspots and nursery areas. PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219325. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219325 (published July 2019)
Atkinson, A., Hill, S.L., Pakhomov, E.A. et al. (2019) Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution contracts southward during rapid regional warming. Nature Climate Change 9, 142–147. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0370-z (published January 2019)

Data Repos and Links
Looking for a dataset? Check out this collated list of data sets and other relevant links
Data Sets
KRILLBASE – https://www.bas.ac.uk/project/krillbase/
Palmer LTER Data System – https://pal.lternet.edu/data
Southern Ocean Diet and Energetics Database (SO-DIET: https://scar.org/library-data/data/so-diet)
Krill Transcriptome Database – Genetics data for krill
The Australian Antarctic Database – data on trawls, benthic surveys, CPR surveys, etc:
Relevant Links
CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin – Catch and effort statistics for all fisheries in CCAMLR’s Convention Area
Polar Organizations:

Early Career
One of SKEGs goals is to connect researchers across career levels to help build a robust group of early career krill researchers
This section coming soon
let us know what you want to see here!

Something Missing?
Did we miss a resource that you think should be featured? Maybe you’d like to see your research on our publications page! Let us know using this form and we will add it!